Martin Saposnic

What is a Reverse Proxy?

A reverse proxy is a type of server that sits in front of other servers, acting as a gateway for client requests. It can process these requests, perform specific logic, and interact with external services before sending the response back to the client.

Switching to AWS for Cloudfront Management

To use Cloudfront for managing reverse proxies, you must switch your domain name to AWS. For guidance on this process, refer to this instructional video: AWS Route 53 Basics Video.

Remember, DNS changes may take up to 48 hours to fully propagate!


Before starting, ensure that you meet the following requirements:
- Your domain name is managed using AWS Route 53.
- You want to set up a reverse proxy to utilize subfolders and subdirectories on your domain hosted by
Here's what you'll need:

  1. An Amazon AWS Account with your domain connected.
  2. Access to Hosted Zone, ACM (certificate manager), and Cloudfront features in AWS.

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate creating a reverse proxy to display the Blog Post template page when a user navigates to the /t/ subfolder.

Create a New Cloudfront Certificate

Go to the ACM in AWS, click on 'Request a new certificate,' select 'Request a public certificate,' and add your domain's Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). Use this link to request.

cloudfront proxied setup

Create a New Cloudfront Distribution

Navigate to Cloudfront, click 'Create Distribution,' and enter your root/apex domain as the origin domain. Start creating your distribution here.

cloudfront create distro

Add Two Origins

Inside your new Cloudfront distribution, go to the 'Origins' tab. Create two origins:
1. Main CMS (e.g., ""), naming it after your main domain (e.g., "").
2. For, use your URL (e.g., "") and name it

cloudfront create distro

Add Two Behaviors

Create two behaviors to route the origins correctly:
- Set the 'Default (*)' path pattern to point to your apex/root domain.
- Add a path pattern for your subfolder (using /t/ in this example) and point it to the URL.

cloudfront create behaviors
cloudflare proxied setup

Update Route53 DNS Records

Return to Route53, find your apex/root domain (e.g., ""), and edit its record. Select 'Alias' and then 'Route traffic to.' Choose 'Alias to Cloudfront Distribution' and select the distribution you created. Save the changes.

cloudfront create behaviors

Test the Routes

First, visit your home page to ensure it is functioning correctly.

If the home page isn't working, it might be due to DNS updates still propagating or a configuration error. Wait up to 24 hours for updates. You will receive an email from Cloudfront once your site is active.

Next, navigate to You should see the live page from or a 404 error page.

If you encounter a 404 error, it indicates a successful connection to, but additional settings on might need adjustment. In such cases, contact your Account Manager or support. 404 page
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